Medication Management Policy

This policy is available and will be communicated to all parents, guardians and school age children. This policy will be available on the website for parents to access from home.
Rosemont After School administers medicines with the correct signed permission. Medicines must only be brought into the service for administration when it is essential. This means where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if it were not to be administered.
Both the manager and assistant manager are trained with up-to-date paediatric first aid training.
The Manager/Assistant Manager must be informed if a child is taking antibiotics or any other prescription or non-prescription medication.
All medications will be stored in a locked cabinet with the manager and assistant manager being the only persons with access.
A record of any medical conditions, illnesses or allergies will be documented on the child’s enrolment form
Essential medicines will only be administered where a parent/guardian has signed a consent form and where the person in charge feels comfortable and competent in delivering the medication.
We will only follow the dosage as instructed by the doctor.
If the administration of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, individual training will be required to be provided for the relevant member of staff by a health professional organised by the child’s parents.
If a child refuses to take their medication staff will not force them to do so.
Parents/guardians must keep the service up to date on their child’s medical needs.
Parents/guardians must fill in the medicine consent form of the service, authorising the administration of medicine (prescription or non-prescription) to their child. Unless in an emergency situation, staff cannot give medicine unless this written permission is given.
Parents/guardians must hand staff the medicine, which then stored in the fridge or the locked medicine cabinet. Any form of medication must never be left in a child’s bag, including inhalers. This also applies to sun cream.
Medicines must be in their original packaging clearly labelled with the child’s name. Staff will only administer medicine is licensed for the age group of the child.
Medicine instructions must be in English
Medicine Procedure
1. When administering medication staff must wash their hands thoroughly.
2. Then they must check: the child’s name, the prescribed dose, the expiry date of medicine, any written instructions provided by the prescriber on the label or original container, that the medication is appropriate for the age of the child (if anti febrile medication), that the parents/guardians have completed and signed ‘Administration of Medicines’ Consent form and Anti Febrile Medication form if relevant.
3. Children will be supported to self-administer where appropriate. Tablets will be handed to children who can swallow with water. If administering a liquid, the child will hold the spoon and self-administer where possible. Dosage will be determined by the staff member according the medication instructions.
4. Administration of medication will be done in the presence of a witness, who will co-sign the medication administration record. One record will be kept for anti-febrile and anti-biotic medications and an individual record will be kept for each child with on-going medication requirements
5. Records will be kept on the Medication Administration Record available in the after-school office. This form will be signed by the parent on collection.
6. Where a child presents with a fever, consent will be sought daily via phone and the procedure above followed regarding witnesses, supporting self-administration and record-keeping.
7. Medication Administration Record (Appendix A) and Consent Forms (Appendix B) can be found in the appendices.
Anti-Febrile Medication:
Anti-febrile medication is medication used to reduce a raised body temperature. The most common anti-febrile medications used are: Paracetamol and Ibuprofen (Anti-febrile medication is important treatment for high temperatures to prevent febrile convulsions). Parents/guardians are required to complete a form authorising the administration of such medication in the event that the child develops a temperature. This medication should not be used unless indicated for high temperature or pain as overdose can cause significant medical problems.
Staff will attempt to notify parents / guardians by telephone prior to the administration of an un-prescribed anti-febrile medication. If the anti-febrile medication does not reduce the temperature medical advice will be sought by contacting the child’s GP, hospital or emergency services and the advice will be followed by the staff.
Medication forms will be reviewed regularly by the Manager to identify children who require frequent or repeated anti-febrile medications. A child in this category may require to be seen by their doctor. Parents/guardians may be asked to supply a medical report.
If the consent form was not signed the parent must be contacted immediately BEFORE any administration of Anti Febrile Medication’ to the child to confirm that it is permissible. Parents/guardians upon returning to the service must then be required to sign the correct permission forms.
If a child has a temperature and permission for ‘Anti Febrile Medication’ has not been granted medical advice should be sought immediately. Staff MUST have a witness PRESENT to the medicine being administered. Parents/guardians will be required to sign to say they were informed of the dosage of the medicine upon collection of the child.
It is extremely important that staff follow the procedures as detailed above. These measures are in place to ensure that no mistakes are made. Administering medication is a responsibility which must be undertaken with due caution. If staff are not sure how to administer it or have difficulty doing so, please inform the person in charge. NOTE: Students or volunteers may not administer medicines.
Procedures for Children with Allergies Requiring Treatment with Oral Medication:
Asthma inhalers are regarded as "oral medication" Oral medications must be prescribed by a GP and have the manufacturer instructions clearly written on them.
Staff must be provided with clear written instructions on how to administer such medication.
The service must have the parents/guardians’ or guardians’ prior written consent. This consent must be kept on file.
Life Saving Medication and Invasive Treatments:
Adrenaline injections (Epipens) for anaphylactic shock reactions (caused by allergies to nuts, eggs etc.)
For medicines like epipens it will be decided on individual cases if staff are willing and competent to administer them.
Staff will administer the epipen and dial 999 to request an ambulance. Parents will be informed, and parents will be instructed by management whether to come to the school or to meet directly at the hospital.
Management must have:
A letter from the child's GP/consultant stating the child's condition and what medication if any is to be administered.
Written consent from the parent or guardian allowing staff to administer medication.
Proof of training in the administration of such medication by a doctor or an appropriate health profession or persons recommended by a manufacturer
A copy of such proof may be required by our insurance provider for appraisal so that our insurance can be extended if necessary.
Parents/ guardians are asked to apply sun cream to their child before bringing them to school each morning.

Storage of Medicines
All medication is stored in a fridge or locked cabinet out of reach of the children. This includes sun creams which will not be kept in school bags. Medicines will be stored in their original packaging and will be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The manager and assistant manager will be the only staff with authorisation to access the medicines cupboard.
The person in charge is responsible for ensuring medicine is handed back at the end of the day to the parent, if necessary.
For some conditions, medication may be kept at the service. The person in charge will check that any medication held to administer on an ‘as and when required’ basis, or on a regular basis, is in date.
Disposal of Medications
Any expired medication will be returned to the parent. If not possible, it will be returned to a pharmacy. If expired medication needs to be disposed of, it is done so through the closest pharmacy.
Unused medicines will be returned to the parent.
Medicines including non-prescribed medications shall be labelled with the name of the child that the medication is intended for.
Medicines will be stored with and used with the correct equipment i.e. measuring device (spoon, cap, other) provided by the manufacturer.
Medication Errors:
All medication errors will be recorded and we will seek medical advice immediately/ This includes medication is given to wrong child; wrong route; wrong dosage; wrong time; omitted to be given as scheduled. We will contact the child’s GP, Pharmacist or other emergency service, depending on the error. Parents/guardians will be informed immediately.
All records kept by the service are kept secure and confidential.
Self-Administration Procedure:
Where developmentally appropriate, all children will be supported to self-administer medication. The manager must fill out the Medication Administration Register which provides details on the date, time, name of medication, route of administration. This is signed by the Manager and a witness. There is room for a comment, if the child refuses to not take the prescribed medication. This register is then signed by the parent/guardian upon collection. Once the register has been filled out, the medication is released to the child. The register is confidential and kept in a locked cabinet in the Office, to which only authorised members of staff have access to. Dosages will be determined by either the staff member (OTC anti-febrile medication) or by doctors prescription.
DATE TIME Name of Medication Dose Given Route of Administration Signature of person giving Signature of Witness Comments Parent Signature

Name of Child
Parent Names 1.    
Contact Numbers 1.

I hereby give my consent for Rosemont After School to administer the following prescribed/non-prescribed medication to my child.
Medication Name
Time to be given  
Effective Until
Prescribed By
Telephone Number

The container of medicines is the original one; it is clearly marked with my child’s name and the details of dosage to be administered. I understand that medicine will be administered according to Rosemont After School’s policy.
____________________________   _________________________
Parent           Date

____________________________   _________________________
Manager           Date