Child Friendly Fire Safety Policy
1. Tell an adult
2. Go to the double doors and wait in a group
3. Leave all your bags and toys behind
4. Listen to the staff
5. Walk to the hockey pitch with the staff
6. Stay Calm
7. Wait on the hockey pitch with the group until a staff member says it’s ok to go.
Fire Safety Policy
Staff will be trained in fire safety to include prevention, where fire safety equipment is kept and how to use it, the evacuation process. The fire safety procedure will be available and communicated to all children, staff, parents and relevant stakeholders. A digital version will be made available through a member only login portal on the website: A child friendly version is displayed on the walls in the after-school room.
There is an evacuation floor plan in the Office, and in the After School room, and an escape route plan which children and staff are made aware of. There are also evacuation plans in every class room and in the sports hall. There are fire screamers and fire alarms in the After School room and placed throughout the school. The security company, G4S, carry out periodic checks, maintenance and testing of smoke alarms and all equipment and carry out visual inspections of the property periodically.
Fire Safety Procedure
We carry out fire drills once a term. During the drill, the alarm will be set off and the children shall line up at the nearest fire exit door and go to the assembly point with staff. The assembly point for the Afterschool is on the hockey pitch at the front of the school.
The person in charge shall bring with them the daily register and the mobile phone and bring the children to the designated assembly point.
All staff / workers / students will be made aware of the fire safety procedure and the assembly point before commencing work. All staff will be given a copy of the policy to read and must sign that they have read and understand the policy on their induction; they will also be made aware of all equipment and relevant locations on the premises as part of their induction.
A written record of each fire drill will be kept and be open to inspection by a parent or guardian of an afterschool child attending or proposing to attend the service, any person working in the service, and an authorised person. These files are kept in the After School Office in the Record Keeping Journal and Academic Diary which is used by the Manager. Rosemont also keep a written record of the fire drills that take place, and record in writing the number, type and maintenance record of the equipment and smoke alarms and also carry out their own fire drills, and regular checks of the fire safety equipment which will also be recorded and be held in the School Admin Office.
In the event of a fire
• When the alarm sounds the person in charge will calmly call the children into a line at the nearest fire exit
• The person in charge will check that the toilets are clear and shut the windows and doors
• He/she will take the daily register or the sign in/sign out book, the phone, and escort the children out of the relevant glass door, to the assembly point on the hockey pitch. Should the person be alone, they will let the children out in front of her. Should there be another staff member, then the other person shall lead the children and the person in charge follow the rear of the line
The assembly point for the Afterschool is on the hockey pitch at the front of the school.
At the assembly point the person in charge will check, against the register / sign in sign out book, that all of the children are accounted for
• Staff and children will wait at the assembly point until the all clear is given by the fire safety officer to enter the building.
• Note that the Fire Safety Officer is the Principal until 4pm, and the After School Manager after 4pm.
On discovery of a fire
• Raise the alarm (situated beside the elevator and strategically throughout the school)
• Evacuate the building following the procedure above
• Telephone the emergency service on 999 or 112 giving your name and address
Only if it is safe to do so should an attempt be made to put out the fire, using the available and appropriate Fire Fighting equipment.
This policy is in compliance with Articles 18 and 19 of the 1981 Act.
Note: the maintenance and testing of the equipment (including the alarm and detectors) falls to the Fire and Security Company employed by the school who do periodic checks. They also keep a written record of the fire drills that take place, and record in writing the number, type and maintenance record of the firefighting equipment and smoke alarms.
REMEMBER: The aim of all staff is to prevent any harm to the children whilst maintaining their own safety, and also not to give any hint of undue anxiety, which could result in panic. Take the evacuation in a calm orderly manner, leaving personal belongings behind.
A child friendly version of this document if available for after school students to read.